Our greatest goal is to constantly enhance the growth of businesses and creation of employment in Africa.
Membership of BUSINESS Africa consist of the most representative central organizations of employers of African countries.
Application for membership is made in writing to the Secretary General of BUSINESS Africa who communicates the application to the Executive Council which may provisionally admit the applicant subject to the final approval of the General Assembly of BUSINESS Africa at its next meeting.
Admission to membership of BUSINESS Africa is done by resolution of the General Assembly.
BUSINESS Africa shall not, in the absence of special circumstances:
Representatives of employers’ organizations which are not eligible for membership of BUSINESS Africa, may with the approval of the General Assembly, attend a meeting of the General Assembly as observers.
Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE)
Confederation Nationale des Employeurs de Djibouti
Ethiopian Employers Federation (EEF)
Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE)
Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE)
Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar (GEM)
Rwanda Private Sector Federation
Sudanese Businessmen & Employers Federation (SBEF)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Angola (CCIA)
Association Nationale des Entreprises du Portefeuille (ANEP)
Confederation Patronale Gabonaise (CPG)
Conseil National du Patronat Tchadien (CNPT)
Groupement Inter-Patronal du Cameroun (GICAM)
Union Patronale et Interprofessionnelle du Congo (UNICONGO)
Confédération Générale des Entreprises Du Maroc
Confédération Générale des Entreprises Algériennes
Union Tunisienne de l'Industrie, du Commerce et de l'Artisanat (UTICA)
Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI)
Botswana Confederation of Commerce, Industry & Manpower (BOCCIM)
Associacao des Empresas Privadas de Mocambique(AEPRIMO)
Association of Lesotho Employers and Business (ALE)
Business Mauritius (Mauritius Employers' Federation MEF)
Namibian Employers' Federation (NEF)
Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)
Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE)
Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe
Confederation Generale dess Entreprises de Cote d’Ivore
Conseil national du Patronat Burkinabe(CNPB)
Conseil National du Patronat du Bénin (CNP-Bénin)
Conseil National du Patronat du Mali (CNPM)
Conseil National du Patronat du Niger (CNP Niger)
Conseil National du Patronat du Sénégal (CNP)
Conseil National du Patronat du Togo (CNP)
Conseil National du Patronat Guinéen (CNPG)
Federation des Organisations Patronales du Niger (FOP)
Ghana Employers' Association (GEA)
Nigeria Employers' Consultative Association (NECA)