Mr. Stephen Obiro, Head of Advocacy, Consulting and Partnerships, is represented BUSINESSAfrica Secretary General Ms. Jacqueline Mugo, EBS at the Joint Labour Migration Policy (JLMP) Steering Committee Meeting.
BUSINESSAfrica is taking part in giving a strategic direction in a Private Sector Engagement meeting organized by The @International Organization for Migration (
IOM - UN Migration), under the AU-ILO-IOM Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) to develop continental guidelines for African member states.
Present during the meeting are also experts representing International Organization for Migration (IOM),
International Labour Organization (ILO), Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Africa, and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
The aim of this important meeting is to advance regular pathways, with the aim of boosting the role of employers and businesses, promote gender, skills development, mobility, fair and ethical recruitment and dignified employment of migrant workers, the reunification of families and the migration of the protection caseload across all economic sectors and industries where migrants are active.